Transportation of decedents from Moscow
Every year sees thousands of foreign guests coming to Moscow and the Moscow region for education, business and travel purposes. In the unfortunate event of death the family needs to promptly transport the decedent to his country of residence.
The Moscow Funeral Guide offers a short outline of the most important actions to be taken in the event of death.
If a foreign person dies in Moscow the ambulance and police are immediately called to the site. After the inspection report is drafted the body is transported to one of the city forensic study laboratories.
After determining the cause of death the mortuary staff drafts the medical death certificate. Simultaneously relying on the documents found on the body the police department which originally filled out the inspection report informs the institutions in charge of the foreign citizen. These can be:
- The official employer if a person is invited to work in Russia.
- The university or other educational institution if a person arrives in Russia to teach or study.
- The travel company, the receiving party (friends, relatives in Russia) or hotel if a person arrives as tourist.
In any case additionally to informing the above mentioned institutions the police inform the respective consulate.
It should be mentioned that each country has its own regulations concerning the transportation of decedents. The general outline of the procedure is as follows.
- The medical certificate of death is obtained in the mortuary.
- At this point it is recommended to address one of the city funeral homes experienced in funeral repatriation for assistance.
- A special so-called double embalming is ordered in the mortuary. The clothes for the decedent are handed to the mortuary staff.
- If there are no contagious diseases or other restrictions mentioned in the medical death certificate it is necessary to order two caskets – a conventional one and a zinc-lined one from one of the city funeral homes.
- The permission for transportation (required by the customs) is to be obtained in the Federal Service on Surveillance for Consumer rights protection and human well-being (4, Grafsky Pereoulok, Moscow).
- The Directorate of the Federal Migration Service is to be informed for migration deregistration.
- Tickets should be ordered and the customs informed about the decedent transportation. At this stage hearse is to be ordered to transport the decedent to the airport.
- The ordered casket is delivered to the mortuary. The mortuary places the decedent into the casket which is followed by sealing the casket at the funeral home. The funeral home issues a certificate of absence of alien enclosures.
- It should be noted that the medical (or certified) death certificate, the permission for transportation and the certificate of absence of alien enclosures are to be translated into the language of the receiving country. Additionally the consulate permission is required as well as an apostille.
- The documents to be filled out at the airport include waybill and customs declaration.
Taking into consideration the complexity of the whole procedure as well as the necessity for next of kin to organize the funeral ceremony at home it is highly recommended to address on of Moscow funeral homes for assistance.
If you have any questions regarding the funeral arrangement or need assistance of a funeral director you can call a funeral home. Most funeral homes in Moscow have a 24-hour information desk. The operators offer immediate consultation and if necessary connect you with one of the funeral directors.
The information desk of the funeral home RITUAL is ready to help you 24/7. In case you have any questions or need assistance do not hesitate to call
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